Leave your Bull**** Managers in 2024


If Your Tired of your Managers B.S, then IAN is the place for you.

Ok, But why IAN?

Keep 100% of your profits

When you become a managed streamer, artist etc of IAN you get to keep all of your profits. We will only take 5% of your investment in your career. This means that if you invest $1,000, we will take $50 for labor fees and additional programs to complete the assignment.

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Careful Investments

At IAN we will carefully manage your investments to ensure that they are used only for the growth of your career. Your investments will be saved to buy equipment, promotion, and other things that will benefit your career. Any left-over money will be held in an account and saved for any emergency equipment upgrades or re-purchasing in case of accidents or rage. 

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Best Equipment for our streamers

Apart of your investment is used for Equipment, at IAN, you may also tell us what your investment is strictly for, and we will put it towards it. For example, you only need $500 for a streaming PC and an additional $100 for top quality microphones with a keyboard and mouse. However, make sure to account for the 5% labor fee. 

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No B.S Policy

All of our services including unlimited thrive under a No B.S policy created by our founder J. Bournes his exact words where "Streamers, Artists, Producers, Labels  are tired of the B.S these days they need a manager or management service that actually means the best for them and not their own pockets."  At IAN don't worry about the B.S we are leaving that in 2024.